Construction CollegesConstruction

Newschool of Architecture and Design: Construction Ranking 2024

Newschool of Architecture and DesignRanked
in the USA
Newschool of Architecture and Design is a very small for-profit gay-friendly college stongly focused on construction programs and located in San Diego, California. The college was founded in 1980 and is presently offering bachelor's and master's degrees in 2 construction programs.

Newschool of Architecture and Design is expensive - depending on the program, tuition price is about $32,000 a year. If you are seeking a cheaper alternative, check Affordable Colleges in California listing.

According to recent studies, Newschool of Architecture and Design area is safe: the school is reported to have an excellent rating for on-campus security.

Based on 68 evaluation metrics, Newschool of Architecture and Design construction program ranks #105 Construction School (out of 706; top 15%) in the United States and #11 Construction School in California. Major competing construction colleges for this college are University of Southern California in Los Angeles and University of California Los Angeles. Check the details about all twelve competing construction schools as well as list of available construction majors below.

Construction programs ratings 2023-2024:

Overall rating:

Curriculum rating:

Teaching rating:

Safety rating:

School ranking:

#11 Construction School in California
#24 Construction School in the West
#105 Construction School in USA

Program rankings:

State Ranking

#4 Construction Management Program in California
#7 Construction Technology Program in California

Regional Ranking

#10 Construction Management Program in the West
#17 Construction Technology Program in the West

National Ranking

#35 Construction Management Program in USA
#74 Construction Technology Program in USA

More program rankings:

You could be interested in other options to enroll Newschool of Architecture and Design:
Architecture Programs - ranked top 30% in USA
Interior Design Programs - ranked top 45% in USA
Also, see how Newschool of Architecture and Design has been ranked among graduate schools and gay-friendly colleges in California.

Contact information:

Newschool of Architecture and Design
1249 F St
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone: (800) 490-7081

Location map:

Newschool of Architecture and Design Location Map

Construction majors:

Bachelor's degree

Architectural and Building Sciences and Technology
Construction Management

Master's degree

Architectural and Building Sciences and Technology
Construction Management

Local competitors:

University of Southern California - Construction School Ranking
University of Southern California

Los Angeles, CA, 4 construction programs

University of California Los Angeles - Construction School Ranking
University of California Los Angeles

Los Angeles, CA, 1 construction program

California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo - Construction School Ranking
California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo

San Luis Obispo, CA, 3 construction programs

Arizona State University Immersion - Construction School Ranking
Arizona State University Immersion

Tempe, AZ, 6 construction programs

Southern California Institute of Architecture - Construction School Ranking
Southern California Institute of Architecture

Los Angeles, CA, 2 construction programs

California State University Long Beach - Construction School Ranking
California State University Long Beach

Long Beach, CA, 1 construction program

San Diego State University - Construction School Ranking
San Diego State University

San Diego, CA, 2 construction programs

California State Polytechnic University Pomona - Construction School Ranking
California State Polytechnic University Pomona

Pomona, CA, 1 construction program

California State University Fresno - Construction School Ranking
California State University Fresno

Fresno, CA, 2 construction programs

Art Center College of Design - Construction School Ranking
Art Center College of Design

Pasadena, CA, 2 construction programs

University of Nevada Las Vegas - Construction School Ranking
University of Nevada Las Vegas

Las Vegas, NV, 9 construction programs

California State University Northridge - Construction School Ranking
California State University Northridge

Northridge, CA, 1 construction program

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