Construction CollegesConstruction

Schools Offering Building Construction Inspection Certificates

In 2024, we ranked 19 schools providing construction inspection certificates.

The best construction inspection certificate program in the United States is offered by San Diego State University. That school offers a great construction inspection certificate program - five-star rating for curriculum and three-star rating for teaching.

See the top schools providing construction inspection certificates below or narrow your search by state.

Construction inspection certificate schools:

San Diego State University - Construction School Ranking
1. San Diego State University

Located in San Diego, California

Utah Valley University - Construction School Ranking
2. Utah Valley University

Located in Orem, Utah

Edmonds College - Construction School Ranking
3. Edmonds College

Located in Lynnwood, Washington

Southwestern College - Construction School Ranking
4. Southwestern College

Located in Chula Vista, California

Diablo Valley College - Construction School Ranking
5. Diablo Valley College

Located in Pleasant Hill, California

Pasadena City College - Construction School Ranking
6. Pasadena City College

Located in Pasadena, California

College of Southern Nevada - Construction School Ranking
7. College of Southern Nevada

Located in Las Vegas, Nevada

Cosumnes River College - Construction School Ranking
8. Cosumnes River College

Located in Sacramento, California

Cabrillo College - Construction School Ranking
9. Cabrillo College

Located in Aptos, California

North Bennet Street School - Construction School Ranking
10. North Bennet Street School

Located in Boston, Massachusetts

College of San Mateo - Construction School Ranking
11. College of San Mateo

Located in San Mateo, California

McHenry County College - Construction School Ranking
12. McHenry County College

Located in Crystal Lake, Illinois

Norco College - Construction School Ranking
13. Norco College

Located in Norco, California

College of the Sequoias - Construction School Ranking
14. College of the Sequoias

Located in Visalia, California

Fresno City College - Construction School Ranking
15. Fresno City College

Located in Fresno, California

Victor Valley College - Construction School Ranking
16. Victor Valley College

Located in Victorville, California

Savannah Technical College - Construction School Ranking
17. Savannah Technical College

Located in Savannah, Georgia

San Bernardino Valley College - Construction School Ranking
18. San Bernardino Valley College

Located in San Bernardino, California

Navajo Technical University - Construction School Ranking
19. Navajo Technical University

Located in Crownpoint, New Mexico

Construction schools offering other certificates:

University of Pennsylvania - Construction School Ranking
University of Pennsylvania

Located in Philadelphia, 1 certificate program

Washington University in St Louis - Construction School Ranking
Washington University in St Louis

Located in Saint Louis, 1 certificate program

University of Southern California - Construction School Ranking
University of Southern California

Located in Los Angeles, 1 certificate program

University of Florida - Construction School Ranking
University of Florida

Located in Gainesville, 2 certificate programs

Clemson University - Construction School Ranking
Clemson University

Located in Clemson, 2 certificate programs

University of Massachusetts Amherst - Construction School Ranking
University of Massachusetts Amherst

Located in Amherst, 1 certificate program

Construction inspection certificates by state:

Schools by State12 Construction Inspection Certificate Schools in California1 Construction Inspection Certificate Schools in Georgia1 Construction Inspection Certificate Schools in Illinois1 Construction Inspection Certificate Schools in Massachusetts1 Construction Inspection Certificate Schools in Nevada1 Construction Inspection Certificate Schools in New Mexico1 Construction Inspection Certificate Schools in Utah1 Construction Inspection Certificate Schools in Washington

Other construction inspection diplomas:

Associate's Degrees: 27 schools

Other construction certificates:

Construction Management: 65 schools
Construction Engineering: 47 schools
Construction Technology: 99 schools
Construction Finishing: 37 schools
Plumbing Technology: 106 schools
Water Services: 30 schools
Equipment Operation: 40 schools
Construction Trades: 18 schools
Property Maintenance: 72 schools

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